A simple and easily repeatable conversion to turn your Deffkopta into a Rokkit Buggy.
Lego Parts Required:
- Plate, Modified 1 x 2 with Handle on Side - Type 1 (free ends) (Part #: 2540) x1 Avg Cost $.03 per
- Plate, Modified 2 x 2 with Wheels Holder (Part #: 4600) x2 Avg. Cost $.05 per
- Tile, Modified 1 x 2 Grille without Bottom Groove / Lip (Part#: 2412a) x1 Avg. Cost $.03 per
- Wheel 11.5mm D. x 12mm, hole notched for wheels holder pin, with Black Tire Offset Tread Small Wide (6014b / 6015) (Part #: 6014bc01) x4 Avg. Cost $.10 per
- Plate 2 x 12 (Part #: 2445) x1 Avg. Cost $.15 per
- Brick 2 x 2 (Part #: 3003) x2 Avg. Cost $.01 per
All in all an incredibly simple conversion. I do intend to glue the wheels so that they don't roll. I have the parts necessary to complete a total of 6 buggies. Still debating on whether to base the or not, I'm thinking no.
Hope this helps fill the void of buggies in your army.
If you need some deffkoptas to complete this great conversion pick up a Warhammer 40K Assault on Black Reach Starter Set.
Boss Forskull
Edited: 02/05/2011
Check out the Rokkit Buggies featured video.
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